Structures for International Private Equity Investment in the PRC

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Structures for International Private Equity Investment in the PRC

Joseph Lovell, Corporate Counsel, Origo Partners plc, China

Over the last several years, a number of emerging trends have increased the attractiveness of utilizing onshore RMB-denominated investment vehicles to international private equity investors operating in China. While the regulatory framework remains opaque and less than fully formed, the Administrative Measures on the Establishment of Partnership Enterprises by Foreign Enterprises and Individuals, which became effective in March 2010, has clearly changed the landscape for the formation of onshore private equity investment structures and RMB-denominated investment funds and, moreover, indicates a growing maturation and clarification of regulatory support in this important area of the Chinese economy.

Joseph M. Lovell is corporate counsel for Origo Partners PLC. He has more than two decades of Greater China business experience. Previous to joining Origo in Beijing, Joseph served as an international attorney specializing in China-US cross border transactions & investment, senior consultant for PricewaterhouseCoopers (Taipei), and as General Counsel/Managing Director for an investment bank with offices in New York and Beijing. He has negotiated and structured numerous international private equity investments in China and has played a lead role in the public listing of a number of Chinese companies in the US and UK. Joseph has a BS from Georgetown University (Chinese Language), and MA (Asian Studies) and JD degrees from the University of Hawaii. He is licensed to practice law in New York, Hawaii and Texas.

Origo Partners PLC (LSE: OPP) is a London AIM-listed private equity firm active in investing in both private companies in China and international companies involved in the Chinese economy.

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