The Value of Self-Regulation in a Postmodern Society
Far from attempting to exhaust the legal treatment of self-regulation, this work sets out to outline some of its nuances, thus contributing to an uplifting intellectual dialogue on the subject Today we live in what has been called postmodernity, a time in the history of humanity marked by amazing contradictions, ranging from interconnectivity, available at unimaginable levels, to ultra urbanization, marked by the swelling of cities, a time of families formed according to new paradigms (single parent, with two fathers, two mothers, three mothers, etc.), time of hypercomplexities The Law, in its role of regulator of social tensions, could not remain averse to this reality, adapting itself. Open-ended legal concepts, open clauses, became widely accepted, providing the most traditional legislative technique with the necessary flexibility to adapt itself to such frequent changes. It is in this environment that the value of so-called self-regulation will be analyzed.