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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

Branding for Legal Departments: What, When, and How?


Many legal departments do branding exercises once in a while. It often consists of a workshop (or a series of workshops) to define the department’s identity, mission, vision, and values; or a panel with colleagues from the business to discuss mutual expectations and what it means to be a (strategic) business partner; or deliberations and plans on how to gain ‘more visibility’ and become involved upstream in the project management process; or efforts to standardise the layout of the documents issued by the members of the law department; or a mix of the above.

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Portrait image of Antoine Henry de Frahan
Antoine Henry de Frahan
Managing Director, Frahan & Associates, Belgium

Antoine Henry de Frahan is a management consultant with an in-depth experience of the legal sector. He is the managing director of Frahan & Associates and an Associate Professor at Edhec Business School. Before his consulting career, Antoine Henry de Frahan practised law with Cleary Gottlieb and Linklaters and then moved to Engie as an international legal advisor. He received a law degree magna cum laude from the University of Brussels and an LL.M. from Columbia University Law School.


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