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The New Law on Competition in Croatia (2009)


The new Law on Competition in Croatia (furthermore: Competition Act; CA) was enacted in 2009, replacing the Competition Act from 2003. The new Competition Act shall enter into force on 1st October 2010. The Competition Act lays down the competition rules and establishes the competition regime, regulates the powers, duties, internal organization and proceedings carried out by the competent authority entrusted with the enforcement of this Act. The scope of application of the Act are all forms of prevention, restriction or distortion of competition by undertakings within the territory of the Republic of Croatia or outside its territory, if such practices take effect in the territory of the Republic of Croatia. The Competition Act applies to companies, sole traders, tradesmen and craftsmen and other legal and natural persons who are engaged in a production and/or trade in goods and/or provision of services and thereby participate in economic activity, as well as to state authorities and local and regional self-government units where they directly or indirectly participate in the market and all other natural or legal persons, such as associations, sports associations, institutions, copyright and related rights holders and similar who are active in the market.

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Mirna Pavletic-Zupic
Member, Croatian Competition Council, Croatian Competition Agency, Croatia

Dr. Sc. Mirna Pavletic-Zupic, J.D. Member of the Competition Council Croatian Competition Agency


Croatian Competition Agency

The Croatian Competition Agency (CCA) performs administrative and professional activities relating to competition, in the area of anti-trust as well as state aid . The competences of the CCA are regulated by the Competition Act (Official Gazette, No 122/2003) and the State Aid Act (Official Gazette, No 47/03 and 60/04).

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