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Land Use Rights in China: An Illustration with Mining Activities


The use of land in China has been a hot topic since the opening-up of the Chinese economy some 30 years ago. An interesting feature of the land system in China is how the Chinese government has worked around the concept of private property (which is still not recognised in China as regards land) to propose a comprehensive framework, which can be considered similar to some of the principles used in other modern economies. However, because land is an important resource in China, the Chinese land legal framework tends to be rather intricate and subject to a heavy bureaucracy.

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Benjamin Dornic
Legal Director Spirits, Moet Hennessy, France

SVP General Counsel China, Lafarge - 2008-2012 Assistant General Counsel, Lafarge - 2003-2008 Director, Transvers - 2002 - 2003 General Counsel, Imediation - 2000 - 2002 Associate, Linklaters - 1996 - 2000


Moet Hennessy

The world leader in champagne, LVMH also produces still and sparkling wines grown in the world's most famous wine regions. The world leader in cognac with Hennessy, the Group is developing its presence in the luxury spirits segment in addition to its historical business. The portfolio of wines and spirits brands, composed of products positioned in the high-end segments of their market, is served by a powerful international distribution network.

Lafarge Mep

Lafarge (Euronext: LG) is a French industrial company specialising in four major products: cement, aggregates, concrete and gypsum. It is the world leader in building materials and currently (2009) the world's largest cement manufacturer ahead of Holcim.

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