Skandia Mutual Life Insurance Company
Some Reflections on Insurance Guarantee Schemes Compatibility with EU’s Constitutional Protections of Business and Property
The EU Commission’s ongoing review of the Solvency II Directive includes a proposal for the introduction of EU harmonized insurance guarantee schemes (IGSs). Such a scheme is motivated by increasing...Read more

Michael Lanser
Senior Legal Counsel, Skandia Mutual Life Insurance Company, Sweden
Towards a Society-Oriented Capitalism: Do Cooperatives and Mutuals Match Particularly Well from a Corporate Law Perspective?

The modern free-market capitalism was born with the Industrial Revolution. Resting on exploiting individuals’ self-interest, capitalism evolved into a powerful and dynamic system that raised our productive capacity and living...Read more

Michael Lanser
Senior Legal Counsel, Skandia Mutual Life Insurance Company, Sweden
Small-scale Farmers and the Impact of Intellectual Property Rights Protection in Industrial Agriculture
This paper addresses the specific link between developed countries policies on intellectual property rights (IPRs) and its economical outcome for small-scale farmers with regard to food security, one perspective from...Read more

Michael Lanser
Senior Legal Counsel, Skandia Mutual Life Insurance Company, Sweden
The Notion of Res Judicata in Investor-State Arbitration

The notion of res judicata is a general principle of both national and international law. The general ideas of the principle are that, in the public interest, there should be...Read more

Michael Lanser
Senior Legal Counsel, Skandia Mutual Life Insurance Company, Sweden