The Main Street America Group
Navigating the Brave New World of International Trade Agreements
The world seems to be getting smaller every day. Technology has improved the speed of business travel and all forms of commercial communication to the point where the global market...Read more

Bruce Fox
Retired Senior Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary, The Main Street America Group, USA
The War on International Cartels: Traps for the Unwary

It is generally accepted that competition is good for business and good for consumers in part because competition encourages innovation and provides an incentive for businesses to reduce costs and...Read more

Bruce Fox
Retired Senior Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary, The Main Street America Group, USA
Casee Sills
Legal Associate, The Main Street America Group, USA
Assessing Risks Associated With US Export Control Laws
The economy continues to become more global and the ability and ease of transmitting and receiving electronic data grows almost daily. Combined with the proliferation of physical and cyber threats...Read more

Bruce Fox
Retired Senior Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary, The Main Street America Group, USA