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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

Building Information Modeling or BIM: A case study for an office development project in Paris


(1) Building Information Modeling (BIM) is now an established construction industry practice across the world. The BIM process has garnered strong support of both professionals and policy makers. Lots of technical, economical and legal work has been carried out on BIM, and it has become a common tool. At the same time, however, BIM remains unfamiliar to many, and some clients may be failing to adopt BIM on their projects. In BNP Real Estate, if we recognize BIM is a relatively new area and still developing with some limits, we also strongly believe in the BIM process, seeing it as a lever to engage the property industry into a new era. In our journey with BIM, Part I briefly explores the BIM concept, allowing those new to the process a clear picture of the digital building. Part II focuses on BIM in France specifically, with a discussion on public policies, how French institutions are dealing with adopting BIM, and exploring the legal issues for BIM in the French legal framework. Part III sums up the previous elements and presents a real BIM operation being by BNP Real Estate in Paris in 2016.

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Portrait image of Stephane Gaux
Stephane Gaux
Head of the development and property management department of BNP Real Estate, BNP Real Estate, France

Graduate of a Master degree in a real estate law from Paris University, Stéphane has an extensive experience in the real estate development industry. After an experience in investment development, Stéphane is now Head of the development and property management department of BNP Real Estate. Previously he worked for another developer and a French global construction company.


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BNP Real Estate

BNP Paribas Real Estate is part of BNP Paribas global bank. Working in 38 countries, BNP Paribas Real Estate is formed of six business lines covering the entire property lifecycle: Property Development, Transaction, Consulting, Valuation, Property Management and Investment Management. In France, BNP Paribas Real Estate is the leader in the commercial real estate development industry.

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