Building Information Modeling or BIM: A case study for an office development project in Paris

(1) Building Information Modeling (BIM) is now an established construction industry practice across the world.
The BIM process has garnered strong support of both professionals and policy makers. Lots...Read more

Stephane Gaux
Head of the development and property management department of BNP Real Estate, BNP Real Estate, France
Cost Effective Resolution of Construction Disputes
Litigation and arbitration of construction disputes have become increasingly expensive, time consuming and unappealing. Adjudication, expert determination and dispute boards (evaluative ADR) are increasingly being used to resolve disputes in...Read more

Donald Charrett
Barrister, Arbitrator & Mediator, Melbourne TEC Chambers, Australia
From Retail to Real Estate-A New Trend in China and its Upcoming Challenge for Legal Departments
Recent years have seen a rapid expansion of investment in China by foreign retail giants. Contrary to the worldwide economic crisis, the Chinese market has become a hot destination for...Read more
Michael Qu
Legal Counsel, Metro AG, China