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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

Data Localization a Bane for Digital Economic Growth!!

December 2019
Data ManagementIT


The Government of India, in the Year 2017, constituted a committee of experts under the chairmanship of Supreme Court Justice Shri B N Srikrishna. The scope of this committee was to do a detailed analysis and study of various issues relating to data protection in India and make specific suggestions on principles to be considered for data protection in India and suggest a draft Data Protection Bill. The submission comes after detailed consultations with various stakeholders for over one year. It is changing the way privacy is looked at in the country. The deterrence comes in the form of penalties ranging from five crores rupees or 2% of the total global turnover to fifteen crore rupees or 4% of the total global turnover.

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Portrait image of Satish Kumar
Satish Kumar
Global Head Legal and Chief Data Protection Officer, Ramco Systems, India

K Satish Kumar, is currently the Global Head Legal and Chief Data Protection Officer of Ramco Systems and a Keynote Speaker and Author. He has received many awards few being the coveted “Legal Counsel of the Year -2018” by INBA, and is also featured in “GC PowerList India 2018” by Legal 500. He is actively involved in many pro bono activities through Chennai Lawyers. He has worked in some of the named and famed corporates like, HCL Technologies, Polaris (now Intellect Design Arena), Chemoil Corporation etc. He is a Keynote speaker and is most sought after speaker on legal topics across the globe


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Ramco Systems

Ramco Systems based on its extensive product development experience abstracted the entire software development process into a Model Based Software Development methodology. Ramco VirtualWorks® (our PaaS platform) implements this development methodology supported by a comprehensive Software Meta model that captures all the data that is required to generate and deliver solutions in multiple technology platforms. These innovations have resulted in the generation of over 2.2 Billion lines of code across multiple technology platforms. The generated solution is fully multi-tenanted and is agnostic of any infrastructure cloud provider. While the industry is talking about service orienting existing legacy solutions by ‘wrapping’ them around, SOA is the core design principle across the Ramco VirtualWorks® Platform.

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