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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

How can we Build a Normative Framework Adapted to the Information Space?

January 2020
Data ManagementIT


Alike industrial revolutions, the digital revolution has deeply impacted our social, economic and technological models. We are nevertheless only on the brink of great overturns that will challenge our uses and our models of society, including law. The exponential widespread of the Internet these last sixty years has brought Man into a new era of dematerialization, paving the way to the digital world and the creation of a new space, the information space, alongside the terrestrial, maritime and air spaces. Just as it was made for the latter over the last centuries, it is now necessary to supervise and regulate this new dematerialized space. This is a major challenge, as the effects of new technologies are primarily conditioned by uses.

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Portrait image of Alexandre Menais
Alexandre Menais
EVP Group General Counsel, Atos International, France

Alexandre Menais is Group General Secretary of Atos. Member of the Group Executive Committee, he is currently head of M&A, Strategy and Corporate Development, as well as Legal, Compliance and Contract Management. Alexandre Menais holds an LLM in Business law from the University of Strasbourg and an MBA from HEC. Admitted to the Bar in 1996, he started his career at Hogan Lovells and then joined eBay and Accenture as general counsel, before joining Atos in 2011 as Group General Counsel. Since March 2019, Alexandre Menais is member of the French Competition Authority. Alexandre Menais is also Vice President of the Cercle Montesquieu, Vice President of the AFDIT, member of the HEC Alumni Legal and Corporate committee and is a cofounding member and now director of, a leading IT website.


Atos International logo

Atos International

Atos SE (Societas europaea) is a global leader in digital transformation with approximately 100,000 employees in 73 countries and annual revenue of around €12 billion. European number on in Big Data, Cybersecurity, High Performance Computing and Digital Workplace, the Group provides Cloud services, Infrastructure & Data Management, Business & Platform solutions, as well as transactional services. With its cutting-edge technologies, digital expertise and industry knowledge, Atos supports the digital transformation of its clients across various business sectors: Defense, Financial Services, Health, Manufacturing, Media Energy & Utilities, Public sector, Retail, Telecommunications and Transportation. The Group is the Worldwide Information Technology Partner for the Olympic & Paralympic Games and operates under the brands Atos., Atos Consulting, Atos Worldgrid, Bull, Canopy, Unify, and Syntel. Atos SE (Societas Europea) is listed on the CAC 40 Paris Stock index.

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