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Dispute between Vivendi/ Aguas del Aconquija SA and the Republic of Argentina. The role of coordinating the strategy for non-legal matters.


The dispute between Vivendi, its subsidiary Compañía de Aguas del Aconquija SA (CAA), and the Republic of Argentina has been the longest running dispute in the history of ICSID. Originally filed more than a dozen years ago, this case has passed through the hands of two Tribunals, and one prior annulment committee (it is presently in the hands of a second annulment committee); it has involved over 40 witnesses, numerous hearings (eleven days of hearings for the examination of the facts by the second Tribunal), countless pleadings and other pieces of formal correspondence, and many tens of thousand of pages of documentary exhibits; and it has resulted in no less than five decisions or awards on jurisdiction, merits and annulment.

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Veolia Water

Specialising in the outsourced management of water services for municipal or industrial clients, Veolia Water is the world leader in engineering, design and execution of construction projects for turnkey facilities and water treatment plants. The company also creates dedicated technological solutions.

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