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Tejus Chauhan is the Director of Arbitration and ADR for South Asia and Pacific at ICC Dispute Resolution Services. As such, Tejus is responsible for structuring and implementing ICC’s strategy, overseeing operations and promotion of ICC Dispute Resolution Services in over 20 countries covering South, Southeast Asia and Pacific. Tejus is also an avid promoter of opportunities for young practitioners and leads ICC’s Young Arbitration and ADR Forum (YAAF) for South Asia. Working alongside the case management team in Singapore and overseeing a team of deputy directors in the region, Tejus focuses on assisting companies, counsels, and investors in the region understand how they can resolve commercial disputes by raising their awareness about ICC dispute resolution services and advising on ICC arbitration proceeding protocol. Tejus earned his law degree in India. Upon graduation, Tejus started as an associate with a law firm. Prior to joining ICC in Singapore as Director, Tejus also worked with the ICC in India and with the forensic and dispute advisory services at a Big Four audit firm.