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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

Failed Contract Relationships: Are the Lawyers to Blame?

October 2009


Each year, IACCM conducts a study of the most frequently negotiated terms and conditions. And each year, the top places are dominated by the terms that allocate risk or imply a lack of trust – liabilities, indemnities, liquidated damages, confidentiality, IP rights. Business leaders and negotiators recognize that the negotiation agenda often acts to undermine business relationships and distracts attention from other, more constructive aspects of performance management. So this year, IACCM has for the first time established ‘the new top ten’- the terms that contracts and negotiation experts believe they should be discussing. When asked why the agenda has not changed, many executives blame the lawyers. But are they right? This article will discuss the changing world of contracts, their role in driving business outcomes and how corporate attitudes to contracting must change – often with the leadership and vision of in-house counsel.

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Portrait image of Sally Hughes
Sally Hughes
Chief Executive Officer, IACCM - International Association for Contract and Commercial Management, UK

Sally is Chief Executive Officer for the IACCM, supporting the IACCM global team in the pursuit of both the recognition of and excellence in Commercial and Contract Management. Sally is an experienced and accomplished commercial and contracts management professional, holding senior commercial positions at a range of corporate and multi-national organizations. After gaining an Honors degree in Law, Sally spent her time in house in the corporate sector, where she worked globally in the Telecoms and IT industries, before establishing her own legal and commercial consultancy in 2007. Sally is passionate about enabling business efficiency and growth through contracting and commercial excellence; she understands the need for robust business operations to drive these efficiencies, together with the requirement for effective communication and collaboration at all times. Whether in contract development, negotiation, training or general communications, Sally has built a reputation for service excellence and responsiveness. Her focus is on the creation of positive and successful business relationships, constantly striving to ensure that businesses realize their true potential and value.


IACCM - International Association for Contract and Commercial Management logo

IACCM - International Association for Contract and Commercial Management

IACCM is a global non-profit association that brings together lawyers, procurement specialists and contract managers to research and develop ‘best practices’ in contracting, negotiation and relationship management. It has more than 22,000 members representing over 6,000 corporations and government agencies from 130 countries. IACCM has recently published the world’s first authoritative guide to business contracting - "Contract & Commercial Management: The Operational Guide", available through IACCM or Van Haren Publishing.

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