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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

The Right to Explanation in Algorithmic Decision-Making

April 2024


Algorithms are increasingly influential in modern life, making or influencing decisions that can have significant consequences for individuals. However, the complexity of many algorithms, particularly those powered by machine learning, creates a problem of opacity. This "black box" phenomenon means the internal reasoning behind a decision is often hidden, even from the algorithm's creators. This lack of transparency raises fundamental concerns about fairness, accountability, and individual autonomy in the algorithmic age.

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Portrait image of Pakhi Garg
Pakhi Garg
Co-founder & Tech Lawyer, World Cyber Security Forum, India

Ms Pakhi Garg is a dynamic and experienced technology lawyer who co-founded the World Cyber Security Forum and her female counterpart. She has served in legal positions in Gartner (India) and PwC. She is also an accomplished corporate career executive coach. With over six years of experience, she has assisted and handled major international tech clients. Pakhi holds a PG Diploma in Cyber Laws from the Indian Law Institute, Delhi, and an LLB (H) majoring in Intellectual Property Rights from Amity Law School, Noida. She's also a prolific researcher and writer, having judged moot courts and acted as a keynote speaker in various events & sessions. With her deep knowledge of Data Privacy Laws and Contract Management, Pakhi is truly a powerhouse of legal talent.


World Cyber Security Forum logo

World Cyber Security Forum

Cybersecurity is a vital part of a secure and well-ordered digital space. World Cyber Security Forum (WCSF) is a globally prestigious cyber consultancy and web community that tends to create awareness regarding various internet issues and serves as a well-spring of techno-legal information for professionals, students, teenagers, and middle-aged civilians around the globe. We provide a good security posture against malicious attacks designed to access, alter, delete, destroy or extort your organisation’s or client’s sensitive data and systems. Our association offers a blend of original and unique substance from IT experts, distributed counsel from the most extensive network of IT pioneers, and a broad library of professional resources from driving IT industry merchants. We share cybersecurity expert guidance and insight, in-depth analysis, and top-to-bottom cyber-case investigation. We aren’t restricted to giving techno-legal Consultancy, but we also provide free cyber counselling to the needy and arrange Workshops, training and certified courses for beginners, professionals and academicians. We also deal in Contract Administration & and Contract Management, where we help clients draft, negotiate, abstract and implement E-contracts within their house or with third parties.

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