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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

Climate Change Litigation: A Corporate Perspective


Lucrezia Albanese has a vast experience in litigation having formerly worked in the Relevant Litigation function of Enel SpA Legal Department and being at present Head of Regulatory and Antitrust in Enel Italia SpA. Her paper stems from two recent decisions: the first one issued by the Court of Rome which on February 26th 2024 rejected the action initiated in 2021 by 200 associations and individuals requesting compensation for damages deriving from the liability of the Italian State related to combating climate change; the second one issued last April 9th 2024 by the European Court of Human Rights, which ruled in favour of the KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz (“Senior Women for Climate Protection”) against Switzerland, stating the latter’s failure to protect its citizens from climate change "in good time and in an appropriate and consistent manner" and requiring the State to reassess and address its climate change goals.

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Portrait image of Lucrezia Albanese
Lucrezia Albanese
Head of Regulatory and Antitrust Legal, Corporate, Regulatory and Antitrust Affairs, Enel Italia S.p.A. , Italy

Lucrezia Albanese in 2016 joined the Group Significant Litigation department of Enel SpA, where she has handled major cases developing a vast experience in litigation and international arbitrations (both commercial and investment). As of January 2023, Lucrezia is the Head of Regulatory and Antitrust legal affairs at Enel Italia SpA, providing legal assistance in administrative proceedings before the Italian independent Authorities for regulatory and antitrust matters as well as in the administrative litigation arising therefrom. She is admitted to Italian Bar, having attended her legal practice at the Italian State General Advocate.

Portrait image of Edoardo Marcenaro
Edoardo Marcenaro
Head of Legal & Corporate Affairs , Enel Grids srl, Italy

Edoardo Marcenaro has been working in Enel Group since 2001, where he firstly took care of major M&A transactions in Eastern Europe up to 2008, following the legal affairs of the various companies acquired in the subsequent 10 years. Afterwards, he gave legal support in the establishment and start – up of Enel X, the company created for energy services, energy efficiency and electric mobility. Since January 2019 he is in charge of the legal department of Enel Grids srl.


Enel Italia S.p.A.  logo

Enel Italia S.p.A.

Enel Italia SpA is a subholding totally owned by Enel SpA, controlling the Italian subsidiaries of the Enel Group, the Italian energy utility, with headquarters in Italy and present with distribution, generation and trading of energy worldwide.

Enel Grids srl logo

Enel Grids srl

Enel Grids srl, formerly Enel Global Infrastructure & Networks srl is the global company dealing with the development and management of the networks in Enel, the Italian energy utility, with headquarters in Italy and present with distribution, generation and trading of energy worldwide.

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