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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

Why In-House Lawyers Should Implement a Legal Risk Framework


As an in-house lawyer, managing legal risks is a critical part of your role. A Legal Risk Framework, used as a critical business document, enables you to speak to the Senior Leadership in their language. This makes your job and that of your team easier and more effective, focusing minds on managing and mitigating those risks that really matter to your specific business and giving metrics to enable communication on the subject of legal risk, in a measured and meaningful way. Your clients within the business may well think one-dimensionally about legal risk as the risk of litigation, but a robust Legal Risk Framework can help them see that legal risk is more far-reaching than that and can have consequences across each seat of the Senior Leadership Team.

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The Legal Director

The Legal Director offers the services of a highly experienced ‘GC’ or senior in-house lawyer: who isn’t on your payroll but knows your business inside out. who understands your legal challenges but doesn’t just tell you the law. For GCs and in-house teams, we provide ‘band-width’, enhancing your value and influence with the board. We help you deliver to the demands of the c-suite, when you are stretched. A client legal director from TLD acts as a true extension of your team, delivering strategic or corporate projects with a legal / risk / governance lens. We provide another capable pair of hands for lean legal teams, over-flow support for larger teams and support and mentoring to sole GCs. We work for a wide range of organisations across the UK from finance to pharmaceuticals, food and fashion. Could we be working for you? With a clear fee structure and ‘per-day’ pricing, you will never get a bill you are not expecting. It’s a unique way to commission legal services

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