Legal Transformation? Mirage Turned Reality
For those awaiting transformation of the legacy legal delivery model, it’s been a long, frustrating wait punctuated by high hopes and dashed expectations. The Economist raised legal transformation expectations in...Read more

Mark Cohen
Chief Executive Officer, Legal Mosaic, UK
Beyond Stereotypes: Cross-Cultural Differences that Matter for Lawyers.jpg&w=256&q=75)
In over two decades as the head of litigation for international companies, I encountered questions of whether cultural differences contributed to our contract disputes with parties in different countries. These...Read more
Michael Mcilwrath
ICC Dispute Resolution Services, CEO, MDisputes, Italy
Employee or Independent Contractor? A Primer on U.S. Law - The Microsoft Case
In the late eighties and nineties Microsoft’s stock and popularity was soaring. At that time, it was arguably the hottest tech company in history. Microsoft was employing thousands of tech...Read more

Andrew Marquardt
Chief Executive Officer and General Counsel, Advantage Tech Inc, USA
Why In-House Lawyers Should Implement a Legal Risk Framework 
As an in-house lawyer, managing legal risks is a critical part of your role. A Legal Risk Framework, used as a critical business document, enables you to speak to the...Read more
Sarah Clark
Chief People and Transformation Officer, The Legal Director, UK
The Effects of AI on the Future of Work
Artificial intelligence represents a point of technological inflection that has changed the character, shape and make-up of work, creating tectonic shifts in the way tasks and activities are performed and...Read more
Garry Taylor
Managing Director, Croesus Holdings Group, UK
To (form an) Environmental Social Governance Committee or not to (form an) ESG Committee? That is the question (for boards)
As ESG (environmental, social and governance) concerns continue to play a major role in business discourse, and given the breadth of the term, should boards be setting up ESG sub-committees...Read more
Tom Proverbs-Garbett
Associate Director, ESG, RSM UK Consulting LLP, UK
Business Database Systems – What Litigators Need to Know
Most organizations these days are run completely through database systems for virtually all aspects of the business: Accounting (including billing, banking, and asset management), Inventory, Human Resources, Sales, Contract Management,...Read more

Anne Kershaw
Owner and General Counsel, Reasonable Discovery, LLC, USA
Mergers and Acquisitions Regulation in Cambodia:
A Review of the Revised Law Governing Business Combinations

Over the last decade, the Kingdom of Cambodia has continued to increase its attractiveness to international investors both through consistent economic growth and the on-going reform of its regulatory environment...Read more

Joseph Lovell
Managing Director, IAO Asia, Cambodia
An Introduction to Alliance Contracting 

At its simplest, an alliance contract (known in British Columbia (BC) as the project alliance agreement or PAA) is a contract between a project Owner (the Owner Participant or the...Read more

Karen Mill
Assistant Vice President, Legal, Canada
Elizabeth Mayer
Partner, DLA Piper, Canada
Corporate Social Responsibility Law in India.jpg&w=256&q=75)
Introduced in 2013, India became the first country in the world to statutorily mandate Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”), which is otherwise seen as a philanthropic activity undertaken at the discretion...Read more
Vanita Bhargava
Senior Partner, Khaitan & Co., India