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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

Global Business and the Hope for Fairness at Work


As a General Counsel for almost 25 years, the past 17 with a global manufacturing company, I have had the opportunity to observe employees working across many different cultures and to consider the essential elements of a work environment where real progress can be made towards fairness. Since writing an academic article about the language of equal opportunity in 2000 , I have also tried to keep up with behavioral science research, although I do not pretend to be a social science expert. What I hope to contribute here is a perspective rooted in observation, experience in global business, and the expertise of others relevant to the subject of fairness and equal opportunity at work.

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Portrait image of Clay Beery
Clay Beery
General Counsel, Laitram, L.L.C., USA

Born and raised in New Orleans, LA, Clay attended UNC-Chapel Hill for his BA degree (International Studies) and LSU for his Law Degree. Following a judicial clerkship, five years of practice in labor and employment law in New Orleans, and two years in a law teaching fellowship at Temple University in Philadelphia, he began his General Counsel career in 2000 and has been working as the General Counsel at Laitram, a privately owned global manufacturing company, since 2007. Clay also functions as Corporate Secretary and manages several functional teams within the corporate department at Laitram: transactional risk management, intellectual property, product stewardship and external compliance.


Laitram, L.L.C.

Laitram, L.L.C. is the parent company for several operating companies, the largest of which is Intralox, L.L.C., which manufactures conveyor belts, as well as conveyors and conveyor systems, for many different industries.

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