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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

Biodiversity Net Gain and the Task Force for NatureDisclosures Help Prevent the Sixth Mass Extinction?

December 2024


Scientists recognise a dual planetary crisis: climate breakdown and biodiversity loss. The current extermination of nature by humans is often called the sixth mass extinction. Climate breakdown is caused by the burning of fossil fuels that has powered the global economy for the last two centuries. The loss of biodiversity is primarily caused by the loss of habitat, along with the heavy use of chemical spraying for agriculture. But the two matters are entirely interconnected, and in simple terms, can be seen as two sides of the same coin. Until recently, the focus of the world has been on climate change. But now, there is recognition that the global collapse of biodiversity needs urgent attention. This article reviews two very different approaches that attempt to halt the loss of biodiversity. One is limited to England only and the other will have a global application. Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) came into force through statute in England in February2024and applies to specific areas of land that are to be developed in England. The recommendations of the Task Force for Nature Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) are global in scope and aim to adjust capital flows so that they may be applied for the benefit of nature.

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Portrait image of Simon Boyle
Simon Boyle
Legal Director, Landmark Information Group, UK

Simon Boyle LLB, MA (Env Law) Solicitor Environmental Law Director, Landmark Information Group Mobile: 07968 901093 A solicitor who has specialised in environmental law since qualification in 1990. Recently has focused on climate change and biodiversity. An active member of UKELA, and for many years was convenor of the Wild Law Special Interest Group. Course leader for the MSc module, Environmental Policy and Law at Brighton University since 2005. The course focuses on sustainability and includes climate change, land management of a National Park and biodiversity loss. A keen hillwalker, trad rock and winter climber, cyclist, organic gardener and more recently bee keeper.


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