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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

EVOLVING LAWYERS into LEADERS: 'egotistic experts' to 'integrative Leaders’.. .


This Articleis based on the latest science &amp; personal research in various fields (including neuro-science, adult developmental &amp; positive psychology, leadership &amp; organisational development, etc), from various salubrious institutions (eg Harvard, Oxford, HEC Paris, MIT, Pennsylvania, Chicago etc) &nbsp;</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>•(playfully) provokes Lawyers, their egos &amp; ‘pessimistic’ disposition &nbsp;questions &nbsp;whether Lawyers, as a class, have yet evolved to be true Leaders &nbsp;</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>• points-out: - that the potential for self-directed neural &amp; psychological adult development within the lifetime is now a recognised fact &nbsp;</div> <ul> <ul> <li><font size=1>that ‘positivity’ too is a critical component of such development &nbsp;</font></li> <li><font size=1>that such 'development' &nbsp;is a reference to a &nbsp;'vertical' development in cognitive-based 'complexity', rather than mere &nbsp;'horizontal' knowledge-accumulation based learning </font></li> <li><font size=1>that university &amp; business-based research shows that such 'complexity' development is what is needed to address the pressing Leadership issues of the day, and that the more 'complex' the Leader the more optimal the Leadership &nbsp;&nbsp;</font></li> <li><font size=1>that a technical expert approach to life &amp; Leadership tends to slot into the lower-mid range of &nbsp;individual &amp; Leadership development levels &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></li> <li><font size=1>that such vertical Leadership development may nonetheless be consciously cultivated &nbsp;</font></li> <li><font size=1>that such cultivation requires a very different approach to the conventional 'transmission' &amp; knowledge-based approach to horizontal learning &amp; training </font></li> </ul> </ul> <div>• sets-out some basic aspects of such required approach for vertical development, and &nbsp;&nbsp;</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>• articulates that such development is needed if Lawyers &amp; the Law are to fulfil their potential role in the positive transformation &amp; sustainability of our various human systems</div>

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Rowan Gillies
Coach & Consultant, , UK

Rowan Gillies is an international corporate lawyer & mediator, who previously practised at various international law firms (including Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom) as well as a regional board director of a leading multi-national, and who now specialises worldwide as a leadership & organisational development coach & consultant. ( Rowan has studied extensively in such field including post-graduate studies at Oxford University's Said Business School & HEC (Paris), as well as at MIT, and is a facilitator/practitioner in various cutting-edge leadership & organisational development tools & methodologies (from the neuro-scientific to the trans-personal). In particular, Rowan's core vision is consciously evolving & developing human systems through the vertical-development of leadership & organisations, so as to optimise positive integral business functioning & sustainability in the ever-increasing complexity of the 21st century.


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