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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

A Discussion of Practical Steps to Harmonize Data Protection Rules Globally


While cloud computing holds tremendous potential to drive efficiency, cost-savings, innovation and growth in both public and private sectors, there are certain obstacles to rapid adoption around the world in both of these sectors. This paper identifies one of the key obstacles to achieving the full business and economic benefits of the cloud concerns about data security and privacy and the lack of common, globally accepted mechanisms for dealing with these issues, while at the same time enabling the free flow of data across borders. Both of these data security and the free flow of data across borders are criteria of a healthy cloud computing environment. Many countries and regions are struggling to balance these requirements, and the result has been a diverse and complex set of rules and regulations with which it is extremely difficult and costly for multi-national companies to comply. Government efforts are underway in every region of the world to solve these challenges. The paper explores constructive ways for industry and government to collaborate on finding a solution. In particular we identify and discuss an international data security technical standard that is emerging as a potential reference template for harmonizing data protection laws globally.

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Portrait image of Shahab Ahmed
Shahab Ahmed
Managing Counsel, Lead Privacy Counsel, Etihad Airways and Etihad Aviation Group, UAE

Shahab Ahmed is an American attorney with more than a decade of experience in compliance and privacy law on a global basis with focus on the EU law. Mr. Ahmed is the lead privacy counsel at Etihad Aviation Group, responsible for global privacy law across the world. He is also the Managing Counsel for the Etihad's Hala Division. Prior to Etihad, Mr. Ahmed was the Director of law at Microsoft Corporation, where he focused on global privacy law and regulatory compliance. Mr. Ahmed has a JD degree, a MBA and a bachelor’s degree in computer science and has completed post graduate work at Harvard. He is a frequent author and speaker on privacy issues. All views presented in this paper are Mr. Ahmed’s personal views and is not meant to be legal advice.


Etihad Airways and Etihad Aviation Group

Etihad Aviation Group is world's premier aviation group with aviation interests and companies around Middle East, Europe and Asia.

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