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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

Back-to-Back Principle: Theoretical Aspects and Issues from Practical Experience


It is common, within the framework of major projects, such as EPC, to deal with the so-called “Back-to-Back” mechanism, consisting in the alignment of “Main Contractor´s” several subcontracts and supplies with the contents of the “Main Contract” entered into by the latter with its final “Client”. The implementation of this mechanism appears to be interesting, both in its theoretical and practical implications, under a certain number of profiles, such as but not limited to the “Risk Management” so dealt with by each of the involved parties, the “sharing” or “shifting down” of obligations and liabilities, the commercial leverages which actually lead and control the stipulations (as well the imbalances and inconveniences arising thereof), the practical features related to many provisions. The focus of the analysis would be to investigate the aforesaid profiles, in order to outline each party´s interests, expectations and entitlements, all in view of those which normally result to be the key-winning factors of any commercial relationship, prior to any relevant agreement: clarity, reasonableness and fairness.

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Mario Petti
Legal Counsel - Global Water Utility Projects, Grundfos, Denmark

Born in Naples, Italy, on 20/07/83 - JD from the University of Napoli - Federico II (2005) - Graduate Degree in International Law - Consortium of several European Universities (2007) - Junior Associate at NCTM Law Firm (Rome) - 2006-2007 - Junior Legal Counsel at Coeclerici Group / Shipping and Trading (Milan) - 2008 - Contracts Manager at SAIPEM / Offshor Construction Projects (Rijeka, Cairo, Dubai, Milan) - 2008 - 2013 - Legal Counsel at Grundfos / Global Water Utility Projcets (Brøndby, DK) - 2013



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