It is common, within the framework of major projects, such as EPC, to deal with the so-called “Back-to-Back” mechanism, consisting in the alignment of “Main Contractor´s” several subcontracts and supplies...Read more
Mario Petti
Legal Counsel - Global Water Utility Projects, Grundfos, Denmark
Born in Naples, Italy, on 20/07/83
- JD from the University of Napoli - Federico II (2005)
- Graduate Degree in International Law - Consortium of several European Universities (2007)
- Junior Associate at NCTM Law Firm (Rome) - 2006-2007
- Junior Legal Counsel at Coeclerici Group / Shipping and Trading (Milan) - 2008
- Contracts Manager at SAIPEM / Offshor Construction Projects (Rijeka, Cairo, Dubai, Milan) - 2008 - 2013
- Legal Counsel at Grundfos / Global Water Utility Projcets (Brøndby, DK) - 2013