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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

Cartel Enforcement in Ireland since the Downturn


This article first explores some of the enhancements to the competition enforcement regime in Ireland and organisational changes to the Irish Competition Authority since 2010. It then addresses my personal experience as a solicitor who has recently joined the Cartels Division of the Competition Authority.

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Eoghan Ó hArgáin
Case Officer/Solicitor, Ireland's Competition Authority, Ireland

Eoghan Ó hArgáin is a case officer and solicitor in the Irish Competition Authority. Eoghan works in the Cartels Division, which detects and investigates criminal cartels. In his role Eoghan advises in relation to a range of competition law matters. Prior to the Competition Authority, Eoghan spent several years in private practice as part of the competition law teams in two Dublin commercial law firms, where he was principally involved in the provision of transactional competition law advice.


Ireland's Competition Authority

The Competition Authority is an independent statutory body that enforces Irish and European competition law. The Competition Authority works to make sure that competition works for the benefit of all consumers, including businesses, who buy products and services in Ireland.

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