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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

Parental Liability in EU Competition Law - A Fair Presumption?


Under EU competition law, there is a presumption that a parent company with a 100% shareholding in its subsidiary company exercises decisive influence. The European Commission has the power to fine such parent company for the competition infringements of its subsidiary. Irrespective of the parent company’s personal involvement or awareness of the competition infringement, the subsidiary’s conduct is attributed to the parent and both the parent and the subsidiary are held jointly and severally liable for the infringement. This presumption can be rebutted if there is evidence that the subsidiary “acts independently on the market”. It follows in such case that the burden of proof falls on the Commission to demonstrate actual exercise of decisive influence over the day-to-day operations of the subsidiary. Also in the case where the parent does not hold 100% shareholding in its subsidiary, it is (at least in theory) for the Commission to show that the parent in fact exercises a decisive influence.

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Portrait image of Maria Troberg
Maria Troberg
Senior Legal Counsel, Competition, Nokia, Finland

Maria Troberg is a Senior Legal Competition Counsel at Nokia based in Espoo, Finland. Prior to joining Nokia, Maria spent five years working at Roschier Attorneys, a leading Nordic law firm, doing EU and competition law. She was also seconded to GE Healthcare and Nokia. Maria has also worked in a Finnish technology start up in online advertising as the company's Head of Legal. Her professional experience includes working at the European Commission's DG Competition, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission in Washington DC, and the law firm Cleary Gottlieb Steen Hamilton in Brussels. Maria holds an LL.M. in European law from the College of Europe in Bruges (2008) and an LL.M. in antitrust law from Georgetown University (2011), where she studied on a Fulbright-Schuman scholarship and graduated with distinction (Dean’s list). She is a qualified lawyer in Finland and New York (member of the New York State Bar).


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About Nokia: Nokia invests in technologies important in a world where billions of devices are connected. Headquartered in Espoo, Finland, and with operations around the world, Nokia is focused on three businesses: network infrastructure software, hardware and services, which are offered through Nokia Networks; location intelligence, which are provided through HERE; and advanced technology development and licensing, which are pursued through Nokia Technologies. Each of these businesses is a leader in its respective field.

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