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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

'Re-Launch' of International Fashion Brands in India: Some Legal Issues


India was an emerging market in the mid to late 1990’s and an unchartered destination for international fashion brands. Brands that hitherto could be purchased only on the occasional foreign trip were now, albeit slowly, becoming available in India. These brands were more expensive than other ready-made apparel products but were coveted for being “foreign” brands. The brand owner or licensor typically licensed these international fashion brands to Indian players who had the ability to manufacture the brand in India with tight controls on designs, fabric and quality being maintained. Arvind was one of the first Indian companies to successfully launch foreign apparel brands in India.

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Suneeth Katarki
Partner, IndusLaw, India

Suneeth Katarki has extensive experience in mergers and acquisitions and private equity investments. He also advises clients on joint venture transactions, corporate restructuring transactions, mergers and acquisitions including arrangements and amongst shareholders, reduction of capital and complex schemes involving all of the above. Suneeth has been consistently listed as a recommended lawyer for mergers & acquisitions and private equity by Chambers & Partners in their Asia guides. Suneeth is also a trustee and advisor to charitable foundations and projects, including serving on the Board of United Way, India and United Way, Bangalore.



Arvind Brands and Retail Business

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