When Bob and Alice get hacked: Some Practical Guidance on the Operation and Limits of Cyber Risks Insurance

This article summarises the risks to which Cyber Insurance responds and identifies some limits and potential pitfalls of the policy wordings. It also touches on the legal and public policy...Read more

Fred Hawke
Consultant, Clayton Utz, Australia

Guy Boyd
Chief Compliance Officer, Anz, Australia
Some Reflections on Insurance Guarantee Schemes Compatibility with EU’s Constitutional Protections of Business and Property
The EU Commission’s ongoing review of the Solvency II Directive includes a proposal for the introduction of EU harmonized insurance guarantee schemes (IGSs). Such a scheme is motivated by increasing...Read more

Michael Lanser
Senior Legal Counsel, Skandia Mutual Life Insurance Company, Sweden
Nobody Does an M&A Deal Hoping to File a Large Representation & Warranty Insurance Claim:
Advantages and Pitfalls of Representation & Warranty Insurance

Representation and Warranty Insurance (“R&W Insurance”) was introduced into the market in the 1990’s, although recently it has taken the mergers and acquisitions (“M&A”) world by storm. This...Read more

Sarah Schwartz
Senior Legal Counsel, Mergers and Acquisitions, Amadeus, Spain
Financial Interest Insurance: An Important Companion for Global Business

According to an African proverb, if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Anyone who has traveled the globe—or even a modest...Read more

Elliott Foster
Managing Counsel, Travelers Insurance, USA
Towards a Society-Oriented Capitalism: Do Cooperatives and Mutuals Match Particularly Well from a Corporate Law Perspective?

The modern free-market capitalism was born with the Industrial Revolution. Resting on exploiting individuals’ self-interest, capitalism evolved into a powerful and dynamic system that raised our productive capacity and living...Read more

Michael Lanser
Senior Legal Counsel, Skandia Mutual Life Insurance Company, Sweden
The Role of the Board of Directors and of Controls in the Light of the new Italian Insurance Regulatory Framework, from an In-house Counsel Perspective
The Italian legal and regulatory framework has dramatically changed in recent years. In 2006 Legislative Decree 209/2005 came into force laying down the Code of private insurance that, by implementing...Read more
Chiara Regattieri
Chief Legal & Corporate Affairs Officer, ERGO Italia S.p.A., Italy
Principle of Uberrimae Fidei: Fraudulent Suppression of Facts in Life Policies
This paper is written with the intent and purpose to examine the application and affect of Principle of <strong><em>Uberrimae fidei</em></strong> in case of life policies in India. </div>
<div>The importance of...Read more

Sharma Mandakini
Associate Director -Legal, UAE Exchange Centre LLC, UAE
New Trends in Turkish Insurance Law
In 2007 the Turkish Parliament adopted new legislation (Act no. 5684) on insurance activities. We now have new rules in the area of control law. On the other hand the...Read more
Samim Ünan
Legal Consultant, Anadolu Sigorta, Turkey
Compulsory Insurance for Shipowners' Cargo Liability: A Heresy or Logical Step?
1. If someone wants to introduce an innovation, he has to give arguments against prevailing standpoints that support current status quo. In this article we shall try to give an...Read more

Petar Kragic
Legal counsel , Tankerska Plovidba dd, Croatia
Approaches to Mitigate Legal Risks and Assessment of a Company's or a Group’s Project Financing Options
In today’s global economy clients often have a choice between different types of financial services to cover entirely or practically the same type of risk. In this context insurance or...Read more
Erik Marissen
Senior Counsel, Marsh, Belgium