India’s Legal Fight to Curb Fake News – Is it Adequate?

India is a country of people having different languages, cast, religion, practices and food habits. Having a tormented history of over 1200 years, the people of India are very emotional...Read more
Partha Banerjee
Director and Head - Legal, Compliance and Regulatory Affairs, Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited, India

Chandrika Bhattacharyya
Head of Legal, Max Bupa Health Insurance, India
Content Portability and the Digital Single Market: Why your favourite content may still not be available to you?

The publication by the European Commission (the “Commission”), in December 2015, of its proposal for a Regulation to ensure EU cross-border portability of online content services (the “Regulation”) represented...Read more

Alec Cameron
Senior Legal Counsel (Intellectual Property & Digital Rights),, Telefonica S.A., UK