The compulsory license mechanism in Russia had been described in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for a long time. However, there had been no real cases of granting...Read more
Elvira Dubovskaya
Fulbright Scholar, N/A, Russia
Elvira Dubovskaya graduated with honors from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Law (J.D. equivalent) with emphasis in International Public Law.
Being a Fulbright scholar, she obtained her LL.M. degree in International Business and Economic law with distinction from Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, DC, USA in 2014.
She represented the Russian Federation in 33rd Telder`s Moot Court Competition in Hague, the Netherlands in 2010.
Elvira has several publications in various professional journals on IP and antitrust law issues.
She has been working in pharmaceutical industry since 2011.