Is There Bite in the Amended Malaysian Housing Development Laws?
The Malaysian government has recently introduced major changes to the Housing Development Act 1966 (“HDA”) which is the mother of all housing development regulations in Malaysia. The HDA essentially governs...Read more

Angeline Yee Yi Wei
Vice President, Maybank, Malaysia
Financial Services Act 2013. A significant Development in the Financial Services Industry in Malaysia

In recent years, Malaysia has seen the introduction of several pieces of legislation which have had some impact on its financial industry. The most significant piece of legislation is none...Read more
Nazlan Ghazali
Group General Counsel & Company Secretary, Maybank, Malaysia

Punitha Kandiah
Head, Corporte Advisory / Group Legal Policy Commercial Banking & Corporate Functions - Group Legal Affairs, Maybank, Malaysia
The Competition Act of Malaysia
The Competition Act of Malaysia was passed in July 2010. The said Competition Act 2010 (the “Act”) came into force on 1 January 2012. The objective of the Act is...Read more
Nazlan Ghazali
Group General Counsel & Company Secretary, Maybank, Malaysia
Challenges of In-House Counsel in The Face of Developments in Islamic Banking - A Malaysian Perspective

In response to the aspirations of a large number of Muslims in the country and as an alternative to the conventional method of banking which has been established, the Government...Read more
Nazlan Ghazali
Group General Counsel & Company Secretary, Maybank, Malaysia
Shahnaz Jamil
Senior Legal Counsel, Maybank, Malaysia