Tankerska Plovidba dd
Bills of Lading Forum Clauses and International Conventions:
Is there a Fundamental Flaw?

The last century had witnessed a number of efforts to harmonise the rules on carriage by sea through international conventions, which have continued in this century. These conventions are Hague...Read more

Petar Kragic
Legal counsel , Tankerska Plovidba dd, Croatia
European Union and Maritime Law
China as a catch up country has managed to master a breath taking development form its opening to the outside world in late 1970 ties until present times, in which...Read more

Petar Kragic
Legal counsel , Tankerska Plovidba dd, Croatia
Pirates, What Else? Somali Attackers & Legal Dilemmas
Since the risks of attacks on shipping, firstly off the coast of Somalia, and later almost across the whole of the Indian Ocean, became a real threat to the vital...Read more

Petar Kragic
Legal counsel , Tankerska Plovidba dd, Croatia
Compulsory Insurance for Shipowners' Cargo Liability: A Heresy or Logical Step?
1. If someone wants to introduce an innovation, he has to give arguments against prevailing standpoints that support current status quo. In this article we shall try to give an...Read more

Petar Kragic
Legal counsel , Tankerska Plovidba dd, Croatia