eBay Inc.
Platform-Enabled Commerce: Unlocking Economic Opportunity Through Independent Internationalisation of Small Enterprises
Global trade is undergoing a fundamental transformation. It is no longer confined to container shipments of one company’s wares along predetermined trade corridors. Today, global trade also includes commerce by...Read more
Hanne Melin Olbe
Director Global Public Policy, eBay Inc., Switzerland
Consumer Empowerment in The Internet of Things: A Silent Unfolding of a 'New Normal' Where Code Trumps Rights?
The Internet of Things (IoT) is already here, estimated to encompass just short of 30 billion connected devices by 2020. These devices are made up of a physical object;...Read more
Hanne Melin Olbe
Director Global Public Policy, eBay Inc., Switzerland
The Next Governance Reform: How we create policy for uncertainty by enabling, learning and analysing
In a recent interview, the Swedish Prime Minister described what he saw as the modern approach to governance: legislative reforms rarely turn out exactly as planned, and so the legislator...Read more
Hanne Melin Olbe
Director Global Public Policy, eBay Inc., Switzerland