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Approaches to Mitigate Legal Risks and Assessment of a Company's or a Group’s Project Financing Options
In today’s global economy clients often have a choice between different types of financial services to cover entirely or practically the same type of risk. In this context insurance or...Read more
Erik Marissen
Senior Counsel, Marsh, Belgium
Maritime dispute resolution - a user's view
Commercial litigation requires speed and cost effectiveness. Businessmen need to see their differences settled as quickly as possible and with the least amount of expense. The complexity of disputes in...Read more
Francis Sarre
Senior Legal Counsel, Cmb, Belgium
'thank you for your co-operation': A practical perspective on managing dawn raids and regulatory investigations
You can imagine the scenario: It’s Monday morning, 8:20am. The receptionists are just getting settled, and the few employees in the office are gathered around the coffee machine. All of...Read more
Frank Govaerts
General Counsel, Coca Cola, Belgium