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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

Earthquake Underneath the Canal De Craponne


France, the 16th century. On June 22, 1567, the Honorable Adam de Craponne committed to dig a canal in order to water the vineyards, orchards, pastures and other properties belonging to the inhabitants of the village of Pélissanne situated in Southern France near Aix-en-Provence (the “Craponne Contract”). The Craponne Contract provided that in consideration for Craponne digging and routinely maintaining the canal, each beneficiary had to make an upfront payment of 20 florins for each 190 ares of land they owned, and then a payment of 3 sols each time they irrigate the same surface of land. Craponne also committed to build and maintain three bridges across the canal. As will be seen, the courts involved in this matter did not consider Craponne’s commitments to be perpetual (which would have been null and void under the new laws of the French Revolution). Nevertheless, it was considered that the duties and rights originally created by Craponne were to survive his death and were to be vested in his descendants

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Portrait image of Benoit Holvoote
Benoit Holvoote
Legal Counsel & Risk Manager, Ingredia, France

Benoît Holvoote is a French qualified lawyer. He has extensive experience in corporate, contracts, real estate, intellectual property and insurance. He is currently head of legal at Ingredia in France, a forerunner in the dairy industry. Prior to joining Ingredia in 2007, Benoît spent nine years working at Groupe Casino, a long-standing player in retail market, doing real estate law and contract law in the Warsaw (Poland) and Saint-Etienne (France) head offices. He holds classes at Alexis de Tocqueville of Douai, France and the Chamber of Commerce of Agadir, Morocco.


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Ingredia is a dairy company which develops and produces milk powders, milk proteins, functional systems and innovative bioactives for the food and nutrition & health industries throughout the world. In 2016, the Ingredia Group achieved a turnover of 381 million euros with a workforce of 459 employees.

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