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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

The Implementation of the Swiss Popular Initiative "Stop Mass Immigration" within the Swiss Federal Railways SBB

November 2018


On February 9th, 2014, the Swiss citizens voted in favour of the Swiss federal popular initiative “Stop Mass Immigration” launched by the national conservative Swiss People’s Party (SVP) by a narrow majority of just over 50 percent. The initiative, which was aimed at limiting immigration into Switzerland, was successful after a particularly vigorous political campaign in which social and wage dumping in Switzerland were hotly debated. Some media have reported that an issue of immigration turned into one of unemployment

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Isabelle Sob
Legal Counsel, Swiss Federal Railways SBB, Switzerland

- Astrid Epiney/Daniela Nüesch, Inländervorrang und Freizügigkeitsabkommen, AJP 2018 page 6. - Benedikt Pirker/Daniela Nüesch, Europarecht: Schweiz–Europäische Union, Swiss Review of International and European Law 2018 page 111.


Swiss Federal Railways SBB logo

Swiss Federal Railways SBB

Swiss Federal Railways SBB is the national railway company of Switzerland. The corporation is led in an entrepreneurial manner. A performance agreement between Swiss Federal Railways and the Swiss Confederation defines the requirements and is updated every four years.

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