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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

International Personal Data Transfers after Schrems II


On 16 July 2020, the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) issued his verdict in case C-311/18 Data Protection Commissioner v Facebook Ireland and Maximillian Schrems. The infamous ‘Schrems II’ ruling has caused quite a turmoil as it has significantly changed the rules on international personal data transfer as we knew them before.

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Portrait image of Leszek Sytniewski
Leszek Sytniewski
In-house Legal Counsel, Objectivity., Poland

Leszek Sytniewski is a qualified attorney-at-law (Poland) and a legal counsel for Objectivity Ltd and its subsidiaries in Eastern Europe. He graduated from Jagiellonian University in Cracow, obtained BA title in Scotland and accoplished American Law School organized by the Catholic University of America in Washington. He has gained 8 years of professional experience working in law firms specialising in IP and TMT sectors, including Legal500 listed. In 2017 he joined Objectivity. His main professional interest in the law of new technologies, including privacy, copyright, AI and electronic marketing.


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Objectivity Ltd. is an international IT company with British roots, established in 1991. We are working with companies from many sectors, including: retail, legal, finance, engineering and transportation. We deliver a wide range of digital transformation solutions: web and desktop applications, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, proactive maintenance and support. We design solutions in close cooperation with our clients. To meet their needs and expectations, dedicated teams and tribes are formed which are tightly aligned to the Client’s business. Objectivity is a values-driven organisation. We achieve our goals thanks to five key values deeply rooted in our company DNA: Win¬-Win, People, Integrity, Excellence, Agility.

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