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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

Generative AI and IT Outsourcing

January 2024


Outsourcing is a process by which an organisation engages a third party with appropriate expertise to run some of its services on its behalf. It has been subject to various waves of change over the years. I have seen it suggested that the origins and history of outsourcing took shape during the Industrial Revolution when the way factories operated and sourced raw materials was transformed as they were no longer limited to a geographical location. For example, US manufacturers would import raw materials which were processed in Scotland thus maintaining quality while reducing cost – a classic outsourcing benefit. This has been a theme for outsourcing as customers seek to benefit from and leverage the expertise of suppliers particularly with skill sets like computer and business services. Outsourcing as we know it today properly commenced in the 1980’s, initially with reference to non-core services such as accounting, data processing and human resources. Wikipedia describes outsourcing quite succinctly: “The term outsourcing, which came from the phrase outside resourcing, originated no later than 1981. The concept, which The Economist says has "made its presence felt since the time of the Second World War", often involves the contracting out of a business process (e.g., payroll processing, claims processing), operational, and/or non-core functions, such as manufacturing, facility management, call center support.”

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Portrait image of Clive Davies
Clive Davies
Senior Counsel and Professional Development Manager Legal & Commercial, UK&I, Fujitsu Services Limited, UK

Clive is a senior counsel with Fujitsu in the UK advising in particular on major IT service contracts with customers in the public and private sectors. Prior to joining Fujitsu Clive was the lead IT and outsourcing partner in London at two leading city law firms. Clive specialises in advising on large outsourcing agreements. He has a particular interest in improving the contracting process, believing that a successful contract supports effective delivery. He is also the professional development manager for the legal and commercial function in Fujitsu UK seeking to improve training and individual capability. Clive lectures and writes regularly on IT subjects. Clive is past chair and Fellow of SCL, a past chair of ITechLaw's In-House Committee and an editor of Communications Law.


Fujitsu Services Limited

Fujitsu Limited is a Japanese multinational information and communications technology equipment and services corporation, established in 1935 and headquartered in Tokyo. Fujitsu is the world's sixth-largest IT services provider by annual revenue, and the largest in Japan, in 2021. See Fujitsu Limited’s website at Fujitsu Services Limited is its UK subsidiary which employs over 7000 people and whose purpose is to make the world more sustainable by building trust in society through innovation. This is about seeing the value technology can create for customers today and in the future. See Fujitsu Services Limited’s website at

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