Generative AI and IT Outsourcing
Outsourcing is a process by which an organisation engages a third party with appropriate expertise to run some of its services on its behalf. It has been subject to various...Read more

Clive Davies
Senior Counsel and Professional Development Manager Legal & Commercial, UK&I, Fujitsu Services Limited, UK
Navigating Through EU Outsourcing Regulations when Considering Cloud Migration of Services
Financial Entities (FEs) outsource their information and communication technology services (ICT services) to cloud service providers (CSPs) to increase operational efficiencies by streamlining back office operations and reducing costs by...Read more

Sofia Skroubi
Senior Associate General Counsel, Nasdaq , Sweden
New Framework for Outsourcing – A Challenge for Banks and Service Providers in the Interface Between technological Development and Regulatory Activism
The use of financial technology is increasingly important to banks and financial institutions. Financial institutions face the reality of operating in a fast-moving environment with an increasing technological development while...Read more

Ola Espelund
General Counsel, Marginalen Bank, Sweden
Legal Support on a Multi-Billion IT Outsourcing Project
In the first quarter of 2008, Shell contracted to outsource the provision of its IT Infrastructure and Telecommunication services in 3 service bundles: Network and Telecommunications, End User Computing Services...Read more
Siw Hendriks
Retired In-House Counsel (former Head of Legal IT)), Shell, The Netherlands and Sweden, Shell, Sweden
Leveraging Outside Vendors in a Changing Legal Landscape

Due to economic realities, in-house counsel are being forced to address greater risk exposure and mounting legal requirements, using notably reduced resources. In the drive to do more with less,...Read more
Michael Bell c/o Jane Foley
Founder and managing principal, Fronterion, USA

Richard Reade
General Counsel, Coats Group, UK
Outsourcing Ten Years On
1997 to 2007 is the era when Tony Blair was prime minister of the United Kingdom, the Internet exploded into a personal and business medium beyond all recognition and outsourcing...Read more
Clive Davies
Senior Counsel, Fujitsu Services, UK
Current Trends V/s Traditional Trends in Legal Outsourcing
Legal Process Outsourcing is a unique blend of legal knowledge and technical expertise. The legal industry across the globe is gradually turning towards outsourcing in order to control their ever...Read more
Ken Cutshaw
Executive Vice President & General Counsel, Church's Chicken, USA
Structuring and Negotiating Global Supply/Outsourcing Deals
This article focuses on the following issues in structuring and negotiating a global supply/outsourcing transaction: potential structures for a global supply deal; commercial considerations in establishing a global supply deal;...Read more

Paul Graham
Partner, Field Fisher Waterhouse, UK