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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

Supported Studies Quid Pro Quo


Many pharmaceutical companies (hereinafter Companies or Company) recognize the importance of supporting external studies and the role they play in fulfilling patients’ needs. High standard ethical research conducted by external Sponsors can easily align with Company’s areas of interest and can further improve the understanding of products and disease areas of research to enhance patient care. The Sponsor of a supported study can be an external investigator, healthcare institution or medical network who seeks support from a Company to conduct a study.

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Portrait image of Ann Turi
Ann Turi
Senior Legal Counsel, Legal and Compliance R&D and Medical Legal Team, Gsk, USA

Ann Turi is a licensed and experienced legal & compliance professional with extensive experience in legal and regulatory risk in the healthcare arena. Effective in simplifying complex legal issues thereby increasing knowledge and driving compliance with corporate policies and legal regulations.


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At GSK we are on a mission to help people do more, feel better, live longer. We know that healthy communities depend on healthy people, and healthy communities are the backbone of strong, sustainable societies. As a business we have responsibilities to society, and society has expectations of us. Our goal is to meet those responsibilities and expectations – and, where possible, exceed them.

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