Whether Aid/Aide from National and/or International Organisations be a Factor for Developing Socio-Economic Cohesiveness of the Peoples Living in the Country Concerned
Most of the States, in particular, those in the developing parts of the world seek and receive “aid” as a supplement to the amount already approved by the foreign government concerned. In certain unforeseeable circumstances, the occurrence of which necessitate an additional amount for completion of the programme, “aid” is sought by the already affected State. However, in most cases, aid is provided by a country or a charity; but unfortunately, in most cases the “aid” money is not returned to the donor. It is suggested that developing countries, in general, should refrain from seeking “aid”; instead, they should seek help from a foreign government/party in the form of “aide” which should be returned by the receiving party in the form of project-related help in the donor country. The equivalence of the aid money should be clearly calculated too.