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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

Managing an Effective Investment Bank Legal Department


The role of an investment bank legal department head who manages both financing and capital markets transactions is twofold. It is in the first instance a defensive role, focused on protection of the institution from the financial and reputational consequences of claims, litigation and criminal charges. Reputational risk can be difficult to anticipate and very harmful to an investment bank’s business. Accordingly, members of an effective and well-managed investment bank legal department must remain keenly aware of the potential shockwaves produced by any event with reputational connotations. An investment bank’s legal department head needs to partner with senior management in protecting the investment bank against the risk of loss of clientele as well as the risk of losing general or product-specific licenses to do business.

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Hubert de Vauplane
General Counsel, Credit Agricole S.A., France

Hubert de Vauplane began his career as an in-house lawyer with Caisse Centrale des Banques Populaires in 1985. In 1987, he joined a French broker dealer (Oddo firm) where he was first in charge of sales of derivatives and then became in 1992 its Head of Legal. In 1994, he joined the French investment Bank Paribas on Capital Markets Law Department. In 1999, he was appointed as Head of Mergers & Acquisition and Financial Law at BNP Paribas. He has been the General Counsel of Corporate and Investment of BNP Paribas from 2002 to 2006. Since January 2007, he his General Counsel of Calyon and member of the Management Committee of Calyon. H. de Vauplane is legal expert to the European Commission and European Central Bank. He is also member or chair of various French and European professional committees as AEDBF, ISDA, French Banking Federation, International Bar Association…. He writes regular chronicles in French and European legal newspapers; his “Traité de Droit des marches financiers” (with J.P Bornet) was awarded by the French Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques.


Credit Agricole S.A.

Calyon: Crédit Agricole Group's Corporate and Investment Bank With the Regional Banks - which make up France's leading banking network - the Le Crédit Lyonnais network and its specialist subsidiaries, Crédit Agricole S.A. is a leading player in France and Europe in retail banking and related businesses such as consumer credit, specialised financial services, asset management, private banking and insurance. Its Calyon subsidiary is one of Europe's top-ranking corporate and investment banks. Calyon's international network enables it to serve its major corporate clients throughout the world. Calyon was formed from the merger of Crédit Agricole Indosuez and Crédit Lyonnais' Corporate and Investment Banking division. Backed by the Group's credit ratings and financial solidity, Calyon is now a leading player in financial markets. Calyon specialises in capital markets, investment banking and financing. With a network of more than 250 senior bankers across the world, and a local presence that complements the network of Regional Banks and LCL branches, Calyon has increased its ability to operate in the world's financial markets on behalf of large corporations, financial institutions and French SMEs.

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