Setting up (and investing in) Startups in Spain: A Practical Guide
More than a decade ago Spain was one of those countries in which starting a business was an experience which was very similar as undergoing a dental treatment during 2...Read more
Mr. Mc Namara’s Legacy: Payment Cards as one of the Greatest Financial Devices of all Times
This paper intends to provide an overview of the basics around payment cards as a financial product, commonly offered by banking entities and payment service providers, which hopefully is helpful...Read more
Ten Things Civil Law-system Lawyers Should Know About Common Law Contracts (That They Didn’t Teach Me at Law School)
My most sincere apologies to those readers who are qualified in common law jurisdictions as this paper is mainly addressed to an audience of civil law-system lawyers who, as myself,...Read more
Dealing with Regional Agreements: A Practical Approach
As with empires on which the sun never sets, big multi-national companies from diverse economic sectors which run different lines of businesses around the globe have to deal with many...Read more
Mobile Payments in the EU: Overview, Legal Framework and Infrastructure and Challenges
The mobile payment revolution has started in our society and is already changing our ordinary lives by merging one of the oldest economic tools –money— with one of the most...Read more
Understanding the Prohibition of Circumvention Under the EU Regulation on Interchange Fees for Credit and Debit Card Payment Transactions
1. The European Regulation on interchange fees’ cap to card based transactions, and its entry into force on 9 December 2015
2. Understanding the prohibition of circumventing the interchange fees’ cap
3. The Durbin...Read more
Multilateral Interchange Fees Capping a Good Idea?
Consumers and shoppers in general, are increasingly using credit and debit cards to make payments for goods and services, leveraging the significant technical developments and breakthroughs in the field of...Read more
Commercial Communications to Consumers: Concerns and Considerations
Whilst marketing departments are one of the main pillars of commercial activity of those companies dealing with consumer clients, our European Union legislators sometimes show a lack of sectorial knowledge...Read more
Data Protection Issues on Global Loan Portfolio Sales
The current economic and financial situation is providing for interesting investment opportunities in consumer loan portfolios owned by banking entities in many countries. While these portfolios may comprise either performing...Read more