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Digital Notarial System in Corporate Relations
Modern Russian laws rarely provides for the obligatory participation of a notary in corporate relations. First of all, these cases relate to the various actions of the members connected to...Read more

Vladislav Gorobinskiy
Head of the Legal Support Department for International Projects, Mediator, New Investment Group LLC, Russia
The impact of COVID-19 to the workplace’s regulations from EU’s perspective
It is worth noting that the current global pandemic is a socio-economic emergency that caught most institutions, oblivious in terms of moving quickly from an old-fashioned work culture and corporate...Read more
Enik Pogace
Head of Employee Relations Division , Bank of Albania, Albania
An Overview of the Legal and Regulatory Framework for Renewable Energy and Cleantech in Nigeria

Despite having good solar irradiation, and other renewable energy resources, Nigeria continues to suffer power outages owing to, amongst others, inadequate generation, and distribution capacity. Nigeria has formulated several policies...Read more

Chukwunonso Onwuzu
Legal Attorney , Oando Energy Resources Inc., Nigeria

Adebisi Sanda
Governance Manager, Oando Energy Resources Inc., Nigeria
ESG and Financial Markets: Does Sustainable Finance Constitute a Revolution of the Logics of Financial Markets?

At the international level, the Paris Agreement adopted in 2016 under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change seeks to strengthen the response to climate change by, inter alia,...Read more

Silvia Morlino
Senior Legal Counsel, European primary bank, Italy
Decentralized Finance and Distributed Autonomous Organizations: on the Rise
The traditional finance market is centralized. Central authorities issue the currency that powers our economy. Centralized financial organizations, e.g., banks, control our assets. Hence, the ability to regulate the flow...Read more

Joseph Bambara
Attorney at Law, WithersworldWide/UCNY, USA
EU Towercos or Making the Utmost Value of Current Infrastructures: Eventual Competition Concerns
The main priority of the EU Digital Agenda is to transform Europe into an attractive, secure and dynamic digital economy with clear and fair rules, while investing in next...Read more

Xanthi Bitzidou
Senior Lawyer, E.E.T.T, Greece
Give us a Break – Stop Legislating

This paper aims to provide an illustration of how a complex process of excessive legislating has significant impacts on the banking and financial sector. We all know that following the...Read more

Pedro Carita
International Private Banker, Abanca, Portugal
Tiago Moreira
Partner, Vieira de Almeida & Associados, SP R.L. , Portugal

Isabel Charraz
Country Counsel Portugal and Greece, Citibank Europe , Portugal
Regulatory Guillotine
The Russian legislation system faces a difficult task in reviewing and updating an enormous accumulation of regulations, standards and guideline – thousands that have built up over the years, often,...Read more
Oraz Durdyev
Legal & Corporate Affairs Director, Russia, Middle East , AB InBev Efes, Russia
Overview of 2020 Italian Laws in Payment Services and
Expected Trends for 2021

2020 has experienced significant changes in the Italian payments market and also the relevant legal framework has seen a substantial boost in terms of new laws and amendments to existing...Read more

Andrea Brancatelli
Assistant General Counsel , MoneyGram , Italy
Diversifying Charity Business Models: The Changing Role of Legal Counsel at the Intersection of Charity and Social Enterprise

When we first thought about drafting this article, in a world prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, charities were already facing dramatic organisational challenges. New players and technologies had disrupted the...Read more

Sophie Coleman
Senior Legal Counsel, Save the Children Australia, Australia

Simon Miller
General Counsel, Save the Children Australia, Australia