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Dr. Sangita Purohit is presently working as Head Library : Ahmedabad University-Ahmedabad since October. 01. 2003. Beside these service she has been served to ICFAI-Business School-Ahmedabad and British Library- Ahmedabad. She have more than 20 years of experience in the field of Library and Information Science . After doing her B.Sc. degree from Madras University , She have acquired Masters Degrees in Library and information Science from Sagar University Bhopal and Bachelors of Library and information Science also from Sagar University. She got her PhD from MP Bhoj University .She has presented more than 30 Research Papers in International and National Conferences and in book chapters . She has contributed more than 2 International and 5 National Research papers in reputed Journals in India and abroad. . She is a member and office bearer and editor of many(5) learned Bodies and Important Association. She was also nominated for best librarian award from Ahmedabad University. She is also Life member of many professional Associations. She is invited as Resource person and organized many events and remained on panel for many seminars / events.