Implication of the Supreme Court Judgements on Employee Provident Fund in India

In India, there is a long-standing dispute between Employers and Employee’s Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) on the amount on which Provident Fund (PF) is to be deducted. The...Read more

Jayant Thakur
India Country Counsel, Dimension Data India Private Limited, India
Data Management: The Missing Link in Preparing for Data Privacy Regulations
Recent data privacy regulations have created a shift in the balance of power of data from businesses to the individual. The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), enacted in April...Read more

Jill Reber
Chair and CEO, Primitive Logic, USA
Company Data Protection - Friend or Foe?
"There are only two types of companies: those that have been hacked, and those that will be. Even that is merging into one category: those that have been hacked and...Read more

Anna Wennäkoski
Senior Specialist , Ministry of Transport and Communications, Finland, Finland
A Study of Data-Mining in University Libraries
As University Libraries transform their role from passive data collection to a more active exploration and exploitation of information, they face a serious challenge: how can they handle a massive...Read more

Sangita Purohit
Head Library, Ahmedabad University, India
My Privacy is Better Than Yours: US and European Perspectives on Privacy
Business is increasingly global. Relatively few transactions begin and end in a single country or single currency. Inseparable from the global flow of business is the flow of personal data...Read more
Lisa Glover-Gardin
Senior Ethics & Compliance Counsel, Google Inc. , USA
International Trade: Paper's Last Stand?
Over 80% of world trade by volume is transported by sea, making maritime transport the backbone of global international trade. The key document associated with international trade is the...Read more

Marina Comninos
COO & General Counsel , ESS (EMEA) Limited, UK