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EVOLVING LAWYERS into LEADERS: 'egotistic experts' to 'integrative Leaders’.. .
This Articleis based on the latest science & personal research in various fields (including neuro-science, adult developmental & positive psychology, leadership & organisational development, etc), from various salubrious institutions (eg...Read more
Rowan Gillies
Coach & Consultant, UK
A Review of the Law Relating to the Protection of Copyright and Trade Secrets in Jamaica
Copyright protects the intellectual property rights of authors of original works. Trade Secrets are protected by the laws governing the treatment of information divulged subject to a duty of confidentiality....Read more
Tara Carnegie
Legal Officer, Lascelles, deMercado & Co., Limited, Jamaica
Formulating a Whistleblowing Policy and it's Implementation
In line with best international governance practices, all enterprises, throughout the world, would like to put in place a system through which employees and its business associates may report unethical...Read more
Bala Balakrishnan
In-House Counsel, Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, India
Reading Between the Lines: Competitive Intelligence Through EDGAR Filings
The majority of corporate legal professionals practicing in the United States on behalf of publicly-traded companies (or “issuers,” pursuant to U.S. securities law parlance) are familiar with EDGAR – more...Read more
Russell Boltwood
Lawyer, Innovative Interfaces, Inc., USA
Recent Trends in US Mergers and Acquisitions: Litigation and Regulatory Actions
Both anecdotal and quantitative data confirm that global mergers and acquisitions (‘M&A’) activity collapsed alongside the global financial markets in the second half of 2008. According to Capital IQ deal...Read more
Sam Snider
Vice President & Lead Acquisition Counsel, LexisNexis, USA
Ken Thompson
Senior Vice President/Chief Legal Officer, Reed Elsevier, Inc., USA
The New Law on Competition in Croatia (2009)
The new Law on Competition in Croatia (furthermore: Competition Act; CA) was enacted in 2009, replacing the Competition Act from 2003. The new Competition Act shall enter into force on...Read more
Mirna Pavletic-Zupic
Member, Croatian Competition Council, Croatian Competition Agency, Croatia
Greening the Corporation: Advising Companies on Compliance with Corporate Sustainability Requirements
For a growing number of businesses, implementing smart environmental policy aids legal compliance and promotes competitiveness. Gone are the days when the only companies concerned about environmental laws were heavy...Read more
Dana Newman
Partner, The General Counsel, USA
Leveraging Outside Vendors in a Changing Legal Landscape
Due to economic realities, in-house counsel are being forced to address greater risk exposure and mounting legal requirements, using notably reduced resources. In the drive to do more with less,...Read more
Michael Bell c/o Jane Foley
Founder and managing principal, Fronterion, USA
Richard Reade
General Counsel, Coats Group, UK
Formulating Code of Conduct & Ethics
The prospective investors and the stakeholders of any company who want to invest / hold / trade in the stocks of any corporate, want to ensure that the companies, in...Read more
Bala Balakrishnan
In-House Counsel, Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, India
The Virtual In-House Lawyer - A New Model For The Changing Economic Climate
Over the last century, there have been radical changes in technology and the way businesses operate. However, provision of legal services has remained fundamentally unchanged. The article, therefore, explores traditional...Read more
Claudia Gerrard
Legal Advisor, Ortolan Legal, UK