How to separate the right way: The Jamaican Perspective

For employers and prospective employers, having a clear understanding of the employment law landscape in Jamaica is essential to successfully operating in Jamaica. This understanding involves knowing what the employer’s...Read more

Emile Leiba
Attorney-at-Law and Managing Partner, DunnCox, Jamaica

Grace Royal Bassaragh
Assistant VP Legal Services, Group Legal, Trust & Corporate Services, Sagicor Group Jamaica Limited, Jamaica
Corporate Governance for In House Legal Counsel
In recent times, it has become commonplace for in house Counsel (“General Counsel”) to assume additional responsibilities within a Company or Group of Companies such as the Corporate Secretary and/or...Read more
Julie Thompson-James
Vice President, Senior Legal Counsel, Corporate Secretary, The Bank of Nova Scotia Jamaica Limited, Jamaica
A Review of the Law Relating to the Protection of Copyright and Trade Secrets in Jamaica
Copyright protects the intellectual property rights of authors of original works. Trade Secrets are protected by the laws governing the treatment of information divulged subject to a duty of confidentiality....Read more
Tara Carnegie
Legal Officer, Lascelles, deMercado & Co., Limited, Jamaica
Protection of Trade Marks in Jamaica
This paper is intended to provide a brief overview of the legal framework for the protection of trade marks in Jamaica. I have noted a few of the “at a...Read more
Tara Carnegie
Legal Officer, Lascelles, deMercado & Co., Limited, Jamaica