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International In-house Counsel Journal logoInternational In-house Counsel Journal logo

Helping Your Organization Maximize The Benefits of Free Trade Agreements


To say we live in interesting times would be a massive understatement. The framework of laws, policies and politics that impact how and where our clients carry on business is changing rapidly. Now, more than ever, in-house counsel need to understand international trade laws that are likely to impact their client's domestic and global business strategies. International trade laws create the underpinning for many laws and policies that impact your organizations’ ability to grow domestically and globally. Britain’s decision to leave the European Union (“BREXIT”), the United States’ trade policies, and the re-negotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (“NAFTA”), have drawn attention to the international trading dynamic.

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Portrait image of Heather Innes
Heather Innes
JD, LLB, CIC.c, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Counsel to LexSage Professional Corporation, Canada

Heather Innes is currently engaged as Counsel to LexSage Professional Corporation based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada providing practical legal advice on international trade matters. She brings to her practice, over 20 years of in-house experience with General Motors where she served as the Global Process Team Leader, International Trade law.


Counsel to LexSage Professional Corporation


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