Mediation: The Jimmy Carter Way!

Tributes have abounded for James Earl Carter, Jnr., the 39th President of the United States of America who died in late December 2024. This virtually unknown Southern peanut-farmer-turned-politician, former Governor...Read more

Siddharth Raja
Partner, Vertices Partners, India

Roopa Doraswamy
General Counsel, Ideaspring Capital, India
Beyond Stereotypes: Cross-Cultural Differences that Matter for Lawyers.jpg&w=256&q=75)
In over two decades as the head of litigation for international companies, I encountered questions of whether cultural differences contributed to our contract disputes with parties in different countries. These...Read more
Michael Mcilwrath
ICC Dispute Resolution Services, CEO, MDisputes, Italy
The UK Arbitration Bill : what do you need to know?

On 18 July 2024, the Arbitration Bill was introduced in the House of Lords. The aim of the Bill is to update the current arbitral framework, the Arbitration Act 1996...Read more

Ashleigh Brocchieri
Expert Counsel, International Chamber of Commerce, France

Colleen Parker-Bacquet
Counsel, ICC International Court of Arbitration, France
International Arbitration with a Client Mindset
The practice of law has changed dramatically since I graduated from law school 30 years ago. The advent of new technologies, communications, and where and how we work has had...Read more

Claudia Salomon
President, ICC International Court of Arbitration, France
Allocation of costs in multiparty arbitrations: a critical approach of English law and the ICC Rules of Arbitration
There is some skepticism about the timing and measurement criteria of costs in multiparty arbitrations. The trend in the ICC arbitration practice is that the award of parties’ costs are...Read more

Dimitrios Athanasakis
Vice President - Corporate Counsel, Hill International N.V., Netherlands
Arbitration: Salient Features of Multiparty Disputes
Multiparty disputes stand at a watershed. There is a widespread scholarly scepticism regarding the set up and conduct of arbitration. The worlds of multiparty disputes and business look towards each...Read more

Dimitrios Athanasakis
Vice President - Corporate Counsel, Hill International N.V., Netherlands
Emergency Arbitration: An Indian Perspective

Premised on the cornerstone of party-autonomy and flexible dispute resolution, international arbitration has continued to evolve with changing times to ensure that it continues to build upon these cornerstones. In...Read more

Ajay Bhargava
Partner, Khaitan & Co LLP, India
Deepak Acharya
Group General Counsel, Aditya Birle Management, India
The Inner Development Goals – A Framework of transformative Skills Needed to Confront Implicit Cognitive Biases in International Arbitration

The present paper has been inspired by the invitation made by Claudia Salomon, the President of International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) International Court of Arbitration, to join her on the...Read more

Edoardo Marcenaro
Head of Legal & Corporate Affairs , Enel Grids srl, Italy
The Use of Crowdsource Funding and Game Theory in the Decentralized Arbitration Process

The accelerated pace of digitalization has created exponential growth in the number of transactions that are being conducted online and across jurisdictional boundaries. With this surge in e-commerce comes a...Read more

Liz Maag
General Counsel, Aware, USA

Bella Jagielski
Legal Intern, Aware, USA

Zachary Pyers
Attorney and Partner, Reminger Co., L.P.A., USA

Kenton Steele
Attorney, Reminger Co., L.P.A., USA
Optional Arbitration Appeals: Principles and Practice
This article examines the availability of optional appellate review of a final award entered in private contractual arbitration proceedings between commercial entities in the United States. Such appellate review is...Read more

Joseph Aronds
Vice President and Chief Litigation and Trial Counsel, Hartz Mountain Industries, Inc., USA